ePayResources, in partnership with First
National Bankers Bank (FNBB), presents ACH Compliance
Specialist Boot Camp
This two-day compliance-based workshop addresses the
heightened regulatory concerns in our rapidly changing payments environment. This
intermediate-level workshop focusing
on risk mitigation explores new ACH Rules and the options to implement
these changes successfully. A focused discussion of ACH origination provides
you with the vital information needed to formulate a strategy to effectively
implement and grow your program while avoiding costly common mistakes. This
session also examines an RDFI’s liability for all post-death federal benefit
payments to help you limit your institution’s liability.
Two or more years of ACH experience is recommended due to
the elevated level of discussion that will give you valuable insight into the
development of your organization’s ACH policies and procedures.
· ACH Compliance Checklist
· Gap analysis document for evaluation of ACH risk
management programs
· Other checklists and quick references
Click Here to Register Online