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Wire Transfer Risk Assessment and Audit of Internal Controls

The 2024 Wire Transfer Risk Assessment and Audit of Internal Controls Guide is a publication designed to assist financial institutions in completing a review of their wire transfer internal controls. Individual sections within the document include risk management controls and oversight; regulatory compliance and transaction risk, vendor management and contingency planning, information technology and security, and credit risk. An assessment questionnaire and guide directions are included to assist the auditor. The document includes tools to help the auditor understand the legal framework of wire transfers.

Item Number - 700

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  • Wire Transfer
Delivery Type
  • Products
  • Back Office Operations
  • Compliance, Risk Incident Management
  • Payments Support
Organization Type
  • Associations
  • Corporation
  • Challenger / Neo Bank
  • Financial Institution
  • Government Agency
  • Software & Service Provider / FinTech
Knowledge Level
  • Advanced
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
Member Price$150.00
Nonmember Price$270.00
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