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Same Day ACH Success Tool Kit - Electronic Version

The Same Day ACH Success Tool Kit Bundle includes all the tools you need to successfully prepare your organization for the Same Day ACH Rule change. This bundle includes the Same Day ACH Success Guide, Same Day ACH Implementation Roadmap, Same Day ACH Readiness Assessment, Same Day ACH Implementation Checklist, Same Day ACH Project Plan Template(s), Same Day ACH Test Script Template, and the Same Day ACH Communication Plan Template with Internal and External verbiage.

There is not a more complete set of tools available to help set you on the path to success when embarking on this faster payment rule change implementation path. Don't be left behind wondering what you need to do and wishing you had the tools to help you get there. ePayResources has you covered with this complete Same Day ACH Success Tool Kit.

Item Number - SDA1000E

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  • ACH
  • Same Day ACH
Delivery Type
  • Products
  • Back Office Operations
  • Payments Support
Organization Type
  • Challenger / Neo Bank
  • Financial Institution
Knowledge Level
  • Advanced
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
Member Price$300.00
Nonmember Price$600.00
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