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Managing Card Disputes

Offering a card program doesn't stop with choosing the brand and creating the perfect card for your account holders. It means understanding the rules and regulations, as well as processes that surround the entire card program. Chargebacks are an integral part of any card program, and they affect all participants - the issuing institution, the merchant, and the card holder. Understanding what a chargeback is and how the process works is a must for all participants.

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AAP/APRP/NCP Credits: Up to 1.2

Item Number - LMSR0031

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  • Card
  • Education
Delivery Type
  • On-Demand Recording
  • Products
  • Back Office Operations
  • Payments Support
Organization Type
  • Challenger / Neo Bank
  • Financial Institution
Knowledge Level
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
Member Price$245.00
Nonmember Price$495.00
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