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Event date: 11/6/2024 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Export event
How a 'Defense in Layers' Approach Can Boost Cybersecurity
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How a 'Defense in Layers' Approach Can Boost Cybersecurity

With fraud and cyberattacks on the rise, it's never been more important for community banks and credit unions to have strong foundational security controls in place. In this product showcase webinar, vendor partner Havoc Shield will share:

•              What accelerating threats you're up against

•              How to deploy a Defense in Layers approach

•              How Havoc Shield can take the time and worry involved with cybersecurity off your plate entirely

Delivery Type
  • Online / Live Streaming
  • Back Office Operations
  • Compliance, Risk Incident Management
  • Executive Leader
  • Frontline Operations
  • Payments Support
  • Strategist / Thought Leader
Organization Type
  • Financial Institution
Knowledge Level
  • Advanced
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
Member Price$0.00
Nonmember Price$425.00
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