Government Payments: The Green Book - Chapter 5
Reclamations of Federal Government benefit payments pose considerable liability and are among the most common sources of charge-offs for RDFIs. Timely and accurate handling of these government payments are a critical competency for RDFIs to limit their liability and prevent loss. This webinar explores government ACH processes in-depth and the unique handling requirements for reclamations. Join us as a member from the Bureau of Fiscal Service presents this session on Chapter 5 of the Green Book.
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AAP/APRP Credits: Up to 1.8
Item Number - LMSR1006
Topic | |
Delivery Type | - On-Demand Recording
- Products
Role | - Back Office Operations
- Payments Support
Organization Type | - Challenger / Neo Bank
- Financial Institution
Knowledge Level | |
Member Price | $495.00 |
Nonmember Price | $495.00 |
Image Import URL | /Portals/0/Images/Default-Placeholders/Products.jpg |
iMIS Detail URL | |