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C4P Survey Results: Faster Payments Readiness

The white paper Readiness for Faster Payments in the U.S. was prepared by the Center for Payments and reveals the plans and interests of U.S. financial institutions in adopting new technologies such as faster payment solutions. Over 700 financial institutions and third-party senders across the nation participated in this survey, giving robust insights into faster payments opportunities and challenges. The survey results indicate a need for guidance and assistance with developing a payments strategy, identifying solution providers, and understanding faster payments in general. Concerns related to technology needed to implement faster payments was also expressed.

ePayResources is working with ten other payments associations across the country as the Center for Payments, whose mission is to advance the payments industry as a united voice through market intelligence and thought leadership. We believe this program further enhances the value of your membership in ePayResources. You can find more information at, or call ePayResources at 1-800-475-0585.

Item Number - C4P001

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