Built to Last: Digital Conversion Best Practices
Are you concerned about retaining high-value clients during a platform conversion? In the wake of the Great Resignation, how do you deal with the added burden of conversions without having to staff up?
We’ve gathered the top lessons learned for payment platform conversions from bank case studies and industry experts in commercial treasury outreach and transition support.
We will discuss pre-conversion planning and best practices to engage and retain clients during an ACH, Wire, RDC, or other payment platform conversion, as well as the impact of COVID on conversions and how it has altered the importance of digital outreach.
Item Number - LMSR3019
Member Price | $95.00 |
Nonmember Price | $95.00 |
Image Import URL | /Portals/0/Images/Default-Placeholders/Products.jpg |
iMIS Detail URL | https://myepay.epayresources.org/itemdetail?iProductCode=LMSR3019 |