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APRP Flashcards

Test and refine your knowledge anytime, anywhere you take your mobile device! This self-study tool includes six electronic flashcard "decks," each based on one of the six focus areas of the APRP exam. Choose to study one focus area at a time or all areas together. Enjoy all the features of traditional flashcards such as easily flipping through cards and tracking your progress but with additional functionality that allows you to rate your comfort level with topics and utilize spaced repetition to better reinforce your knowledge. Your electronic flashcard subscription provides you with six-months of full access to your study tool from any computer or mobile device.

Item Number - 553

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  • ACH
  • Education
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  • Products
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Organization Type
  • Associations
  • Corporation
  • Challenger / Neo Bank
  • Financial Institution
  • Government Agency
  • Software & Service Provider / FinTech
Knowledge Level
  • Advanced
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
Member Price$120.00
Nonmember Price$240.00
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