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AgreementsNow! ACH Block / Filter Agreement
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AgreementsNow! ACH Block / Filter Agreement

As financial institutions see an increase in fraud attempts on all payment types, ACH customers are looking to use anti-fraud services like ACH Blocks/Filters and ACH Positive Pay. These services help the customers to control and/or monitor ACH activity. The Agreement contains a customizable Microsoft Word document that includes critical forms and conditions between these parties.

Item Number - 537-AN

Previous Article ACH Risk Mitigation
Next Article AgreementsNow! ACH Origination Agreement
  • ACH
Delivery Type
  • Products
  • Compliance, Risk Incident Management
  • Frontline Operations
  • Payments Support
Organization Type
  • Challenger / Neo Bank
  • Financial Institution
Knowledge Level
  • Advanced
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
Member Price$100.00
Nonmember Price$200.00
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