Payments Industry News

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System of Fines Case Studies Updated

Nacha has recently updated their System of Fines case studies and FAQs for use by ePayResources members.  

The National System of Fines is the rules enforcement mechanism for the ACH Network, helping to ensure compliance with the Nacha Operating Rules through a formal system of warnings and fines. Its objective is to maintain the quality of the ACH Network through more complete compliance with the Nacha Operating Rules. 

The information contained in this document provides examples of actual cases processed by the National System of Fines. The names of the parties involved in the cases have been changed for confidentiality purposes. The facts and fines related to the cases are real. As a user of the ACH Network, it’s important to know what can happen if the Nacha Operating Rules are not followed. 

Click the link below to download the document. ePayResources member login is required for access.  
