
How a 'Defense in Layers' Approach Can Boost Cybersecurity

With fraud and cyberattacks on the rise, it's never been more important for community banks and credit unions to have strong foundational security controls in place. In this product showcase webinar, vendor partner Havoc Shield will share:

•              What accelerating threats you're up against

•              How to deploy a Defense in Layers approach

•              How Havoc Shield can take the time and worry involved with cybersecurity off your plate entirely


Liar, Liar! Pants on Fire!

Read fraudsters like a book. Save yourself from financial ruin, defamation and even jail time. Keep yourself and your company off the front page for the wrong reasons.

"Two Truths and a Lie" is a fun game...unless you don't know you're playing.  You haven't realized it, but in business you're playing every day -and you're losing!

Discover how to win the game with clients, boss, your team and prospects. Protect your hard-earned profits and catch would-be fraudsters before they can take away everything you worked for.

Join ePayResources and Traci Brown in this fun, yet informative session as you discover how to use Traci's 9-point Fraud Spotting System to separate the lies from the truth, so you don't innocently step into a business, life or reputation destroying event.



ACH Boot Camp: Fundamentals - FNBB - Virtual

ePayResources, in partnership with First National Bankers Bank (FNBB), presents ACH Fundamentals Boot Camp

Understanding the laws, regulations, and rules for processing ACH is a must for every financial institution. This two-day workshop is designed to introduce students to the ACH network by providing an in-depth review of the fundamentals for compliant ACH operations.

During this class you learn how to identify ACH Network participants; discover how an understanding of ACH terms and payment formats can expedite the resolution of customer inquiries; navigate the maze of the ACH Rules Book to find the information you need; decode an ACH Entry to understand the message being received; chart the course of an ACH Return Entry; dig through the technical specifications of an ACH file; and identify and quickly troubleshoot errors.


  • SEC Code Quick Reference Chart
  • Time Frames, Transaction Handling, and Retention Quick Reference Chart
  • FAQs about ACH Network and Federal Reserve Bank optional programs

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2025 NCP Power Package Series 1

NOTE: Late registration available through Tuesday, November 12, 2024!

The 2025 NCP Exam Prep Webinar Series 1 runs from October 3, 2024, through March 20, 2025.

The Aspiring NCP Power Package is your best value for thorough preparation!

This package includes:

NCP Publications ($335 value)

  • ePay’s NCP Planner
  • CheckPro (Electronic)
  • Check Quick Reference Cards (Electronic)
  • Check and Image Flashcards (Electronic)
  • ECCHO Rules Book
  • Glossary of Check Terminology

NCP Education

  • NCP Review Course ($525 value)
  • NCP Webinar Series ($995 value; Click the OTHER INFORMATION for the Webinar Series schedule details.)

2025 NCP Webinar Series 1

NOTE: Late registration available through Tuesday, March 4, 2025!

The 2025 NCP Exam Prep Webinar Series 1 runs from October 3, 2024, through March 20, 2025.

The National Check Professional (NCP) Exam is a comprehensive assessment that covers the lifecycle of a check payment. Earning this certification shows you understand the nuances, regulations, roles, responsibilities, and risks agreed to when accepting or processing a check payment and establishes you as a highly knowledgeable and valued resource within your organization.

Click the OTHER INFORMATION tab for the NCP Webinar Series schedule details.